ohmykids Playground

Designed by Yuk | 7 years old

ohmykids Market

Created by 500+ kids | 3-12 years old

ohmykids adventure in the City

2km+ Adventure | Led by kids | 5-10 years old




What we do

We help readers understand and be inspired by kids empowerment

We help companies develop initiatives into actions that empower kids

We develop ideas in-house to empower kids

You’re in good company empowering kids!

Join 100+ others now!


  • Thank you ohmykids for trusting my son Sirius to make his wild dreams of making a maze come true!
    Ms.YiuYiuPrincipal & Mother
  • ohmykids is a very reliable partner! The team is creative, passionate and dedicated in unleashing the potential of kids!
    Joanne LeungSenior Manager, Olympian City
  • ohmykids’ projects respect kids’ perspective and trust in kids’ ability which I love!
    LorettaBlogger & Mum of 2 kids
  • We are pleased to have collaborated with an enthusiastic parenting platform that encouraging children to learn through creative play and experiences.
    Jill TanHead of Communications and Resources, The Chin Family
  • Their commitment to perfection and dedication to delivering the most creative and functioning ideas are commendable!
    Michelle RochaProducer, Performing Arts (Music and Outdoor) West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

ohmykids is a force for kids empowerment,

but we won’t succeed without our influencing community.

  • Sep192023

    全新策劃環保主題 限定一天童遊「6仔」

    (免費活動) 童遊「6仔」開始報名! OHMYKIDS全新策劃環保主題 限定一天玩轉「綠在觀塘」 在綠遊遊樂場 – 童遊「6仔」中 ,ohmykids 團隊將會讓小朋友化身為「童遊小領隊」並跟據「小領隊選手包」中的神秘任務,帶領家長玩轉綠在觀塘及鄰近地標,由零碳天地走到MegaBox,一邊挑戰一邊學習減廢及回收小貼士!在過程中小朋友除了能學習到環保相關的知識,還能透過挑戰任務培養獨自解難能力及提升自信心。   活動內容 ? 了解回收環保站有甚麽設施,學習減廢及回收小知識 ? 任務多樣性,包括拍照題、問答題等等,考驗孩子的智慧及勇氣 ? 開App做任務,即時取得分數及排名,動力和滿足感up! ? 設「家長靜音模式貼紙」,讓孩子在挑戰中學習,發掘更多潛力! ?…

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  • Jun182021

    【OHMYKIDS x CMT暑假先修班】開始接受報名!

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  • Jan292021

    【OHMYKIDS 不是夢。玩學團】現正接受報名!


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